Sunday, February 20, 2011

Use Of Stones To Promote Good Feng Shui

Hang a quartz on top of each door if you have two doors face to face with one another. The occupants in the rooms with door facing each other would end up having a quarrelsome relationship. In Chinese, door is symbolized by the pictorial character of a mouth, and when two doors are opposite each other they are just like two mouths confronting each other. I recommend rose quartz to improve and harmonise relationship.

Hang a quartz from the ceiling half way between two doors which are in alignment. Best to use a natural quartz which is faceted cut. It is inauspicious to have two doors in straight alignment in any building; they are called heart piercing doors.

Place a geode of amethyst on the left hand corner of the room diagonally opposite the entrance into a room. That is the wealth corner. Can also use quartz ball or aventurine balls. (100 mm and above in diameter).

If you need to protect your main door from unwelcome intrusions by negative spirits, place a large crystal ball or an amethyst geode opposite the door.

If you have windows facing inauspicious position and objects in the landscape outside your house – sharp corners, railway tracks, hang faceted cut quartz ball from the windows. The quartz ball exposed to sunlight will also reflect rainbow colour lights into the room, making it charged with positive and lively energy.

If you need to protect your house from thieves and even negative spirits, use a laser quartz and trace the outlines of the doors and windows you wish to protect. Visualise brilliant laser white beams from the laser quartz forming an energy frame protecting the doors and windows.

Fossilized/petrified Wood brings luck and offers protection against negativity. Good to hang them on the front door, with your house number or name of the family craved on it. Or, you can hang a petrified bracelet on the inner door knob on your main door.

For couples having fertility problems, place either amethyst or agate geode or rose quartz in the bedroom near to the bed. Rose quartz is good to promote harmonious relationship between husband and wife.

If you have a toilet entrance facing your bed, or dinner table, you can also hang stones – smoky quartz – from the toilet door to neutralize the Ying damaging energy.

If you have the foot of the bed facing the door to your bedroom, you are likely to be inflicted with ailments affecting your legs. I place two tektites (can use smoky quartz, black tourmaline or black obsidian) below the bed to neutralize the adverse radiation caused by this inauspicious positioning of the bed.

To protect your toilet from negative energy, put tumbled white calcite nuggets in a glass bowl in the toilet. Make sure you cleanse the stones periodically, once a fortnight. (Can use sea salt and keep them in glass bowl overnight in toilet. Next morning flush away the salt into toilet bowl and replace them with new salt.)

In your office, if you suspect your colleagues are plotting or backstabbing you, place a quartz cluster on the upper right hand corner of your working desk.

In your office, if you have a window behind you, make sure the curtains are always drawn up and try to place a large rock – jasper, smoky quartz or elestial quartz, on the window ledge to make sure you have the support of your bosses and colleagues.

To help your children to concentrate better in their studies and to protect their eyesight, place amethyst stones on their study tables – preferable amethyst generator (with either natural or cut or single pointed termination and a stable base at the bottom).

Place tumbled quartz or raw black tourmaline stones in front of your computer monitor to screen away the harmful radiations from the devices. Have to cleanse the stones - especially the white quartz - once a fortnight by either salt water, or burying them in the garden overnight and thereafter expose to the morning sun to charge them up for reuse.

By Anthony

Friday, February 4, 2011


Sugilite is one stone often described as beneficial to help cancer patients by many writers on use of stones and minerals. Having the same purple and indigo higher vibrations like another useful stone Amethyst, Sugilite has black maganese inclusion which is good for keeping open the feeder system - the limbs from which energies are said to be absorbed into our physical bodies. It is also supposed to strengthen our immune and endocrine system, and promotes the growth of anti-oxidant.

Melody, in here book Love is in the Earth, describes Sugilite as "a love stone for this age" which represents all that is. Its vibration is of true spiritual love and encourages the manifestation of this vital energy in our surroundings and very being. It assists the user in resonating with the energy of the New Age and attuning to the perfect state of higher planes. Use of Sugilite enables the flow of this energy to enter the crown chakra and flow through all the chakras helping with connection to source.

It assists with the gift of forgiveness both to yourself and others and empowers the user to discover the unique gifts they have brought into this world. Sugilite makes it easier to become accepting of others and to be present to the here and now. Wonderful for situations where there is a possibility that anger, disappointment or conflict could prevail. It removes negativity, supports a feeling of well being and empowers co-creation. Sugilite seems to protect against, absorb and dissipate anger, hurt and other unwanted negative energies. It is a nurturing and balancing stone at all levels.

Sugilite is extremely effective in those wishing to explore the relationship between physical health and the mental body. It attracts healing power and enables insight into the base causes that manifest as physical problems, whilst enabling the user to channel large amounts of energy and balancing the emotions. Sugilite that is included with veins of Manganese is particularly effective. Try it next time you feel tense or at odds with your surroundings and the situations created therein. It is also incredibly effective at removing headaches. Placed on the forehead it seems to draw out the pain in moments.

Sugilite was first identified by Professor Kenichi Sugi (for which it was later named ) in Southern Japan in 1944. The find was small and it disappeared into obscurity until 1975 when ita significant find was identified at the Wessels mine near Kuramen in South Africa. A major pocket was unearthed, over 3000 feet below the surface, in 1979 and it did not take long for Sugilite to become a much sought after stone for jewelry and carving. There are persistent rumours that the mine is now closed. This is not true but it is becoming very difficult to source Sugilite. The Wessels mine is , even by world standards a large producer of Manganese and Sugilite is one of the minerals that are found there as a by product. It intergrows with the manganese and is generally found in isolated pockets. It is reasonably scarce and extremely desirable amongst both jewelers and carvers. This has caused it to become expensive.

It is also known as "Royal Lavulite" and "Royal Azel."?

We have in our store sugilite bracelets that cost around S$60.00. I love to mix sugilite with other powerful healing stones - moss agate and ocean jasper.